Will AI Replace Corporate Administrators?

Rachel Mendelovich
2 min readAug 2, 2021


Few weeks back I hosted a webinar, facilitated by the American Society of Administrative Professionals about AI. During the last 15 min. dedicated to Q&A I was asked whether I think AI will replace administrative professionals in the foreseeable future. I answered an immediate and definitive NO. But this question is far too interesting to leave it at that. Which is why I opted to write about it here. Recording of the webinar is available here and the webinar slides can be found here

First thing first — What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines that gain knowledge from experiences, similar to how the human brain functions. Machines that can mimic cognitive functions such as thinking, problem-solving, and learning are considered to have artificial intelligence.

But that’s not the full story

Computers learn from experience far faster than humans ever can BUT machines don’t have emotion, intuition or personality. They are not creative or empathic, and they cannot show compassion or leadership. Simply put, they lack a “human touch”. Which is why machines will not replace administrative professionals. However, the role itself may change significantly. This is actually good news because it means you have the opportunity to be in a position to offer your executives and organizations higher value.

Today, the underlying problem of an administrative professional busy work weeks is that it’s…well, busy. Sometimes, trying to maintain productivity can be downright overwhelming. AI will give you an opportunity to free your time from the mundane and technical aspects of your job and focus on strategic and creative tasks.

Indeed, Jobs are going to be changed by AI but professionals will be empowered by that change which means you need to re-think and re-skill in order to prepare yourself to work with AI and to take advantage of the new opportunities that will open up. With AI taking on mundane tasks, astute you can expand your role and become an even more potent resource for your executives.

What should you do to thrive on the AI era:

  • Replace “task driven” attitude with “quality driven” one. That means bringing intuition and strategic thinking forward to help make more significant decisions within your company
  • Build your brand the way companies do by being entrepreneurial in your thinking and adopt new technologies.
  • Use the advancement of AI, to free more of your time and seek more opportunities to take a seat at the table and provide your opinions.

